All cats carry certain obligations for the responsible pet owner. It is important to take good care of your cat, including grooming, feeding her properly and of course giving her plenty of attention. You need to brush them, but not bathe them often. Look at this article for cat grooming tips to improve your cat’s appearance.
Contact local shelters if you want to adopt a cat. Shelters always have plenty of cats available and adoption fees are usually very affordable. Adopting a cat this way helps to save their life and cut down on unwanted animal births.
If you have an outdoor kitty, make sure to invest in a break away collar with an identification tag. Cats can get lost, and they need a tag to be found. At least put your phone number and pets name on the tag.
Prevent your cat from chewing on electrical cords by spraying bitter apple on them. If that doesn’t work, cover those cords up however you can. Tuck loose cords into old toilet paper or paper towel rolls. Personal electronic devices should be stored when not needed to keep their cords out of reach.
Receiving plenty of positive, loving attention is important for your cat. They want the same level of companionship that they give to you as their owner. Like humans, a cat has to be around people in order to feel special. Your cat wants to be as much a member of the family as anyone else.
Prevent crystals from forming in the urine of male cats with the right diet. It is painful for your cat to pass these crystals and the cost to have this treated by a vet is high. Feed cats food that’s low in magnesium. Be sure to read the ingredient label. Fish products can have more magnesium when compared to poultry.
You can sometimes find better prices for cat medication online than getting it from your veterinarian. In emergency situations, buying online may not be a good option. Most of the time, you will get great discounts if you purchase on the web.
If your thinking about allowing your cat to go outside, you may want to reconsider. Cats come to harm outside every day. You cat might pick up pests or fleas. They can get in a fight or be hit by a car. If you need to let your cat out of the house, be sure it’s in a safe place.
Watch kittens around kids. If a child is under the age of five, you should not leave the pet alone with them. Young children are not yet mature enough to realize what behaviors are dangerous to a cat. When children are over the age of five, then you should decide whether or not they are mature enough to handle a kitten.
Cats enjoy being in high places. Providing a safe environment for your cat is key to its happiness. If you do not want cats making a mess in your house, remove breakable items from your shelves. Providing a blanket or bed for your cat is an extra treat for them.
Is your pet’s scratching post starting to look beat up? Don’t toss it out! You may believe that it’s in terrible condition, but cats typically prefer it this way. By removing the old item and replacing it with a new one, your cat may try to find another item to scratch. This could end up being furniture.
If your cat begins defecating or urinating too frequently, it’s time to see the vet. Many cats develop these behaviors in response to a health problem, such as urinary tract infections. You can solve this problem thanks to some very affordable antibiotics.
Once your cat has had the best grooming possible, it can look good. It is up to you to take the necessary steps so your cat looks happy and healthy. Any time you spend improving the health and happiness of your cat will make you a hero. These tips can be used to make your cat happy.